Grants and Scholarships » Grant Programs

Grant Programs

AEF 2023-2024 Grant Programs
The Anderson Education Foundation (AEF) is pleased to offer two grant programs each school year for Anderson Community Schools (ACS) teachers and staff to apply for.
Classroom Grant Program
This program funds project-based learning grant proposals for up to $1,000. This year's application period is September 23, 2024 - October 25, 2024. The application can be found here. As part of the Classroom Grant Program, there are three scholarships that have been created to honor past Anderson Community Schools' students and educators:
  • Hamer (Science) - up to $1,000 annually - Stephen Hamer, an ’01 grad of Highland High School, was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma in his sophomore year of high school. Throughout his high school years, he had a burning interest in the sciences and would have gone on to pursue medicine, if he had lived. Unfortunately, Stephen died a week before he was to start college but not before expressing an interest in establishing a grant with the Anderson Education Foundation that would fund science-based projects.
  • McVicker (Reading) - up to $1,000 annually - Lisa McVicker was a lifelong educator, who taught literature and poetry to many children in the Anderson School system. She began her career in Anderson teaching second grade at Edgewood Elementary School in 1963. She eventually would teach sixth grade there, and then transfer to Northside Middle School when it opened. It was here that she became head of the English department and continued her work with the children. She loved reading and poetry, and instilled this love in many of her students. When she retired, she volunteered to teach the Great Books Program to sixth graders at Edgewood Elementary School. When she passed away in 1999, her longtime friend, Michael Cornell, with Paine Webber Investments, funded a reading grant in her name to honor her and continue her legacy. When this grant ended, her family continued to fund the grant in her memory.
  • Emerson (Elementary) - up to $1,000 annually - Joyce Emerson joyfully taught first grade for 26 years at Forest Hills.  Harold Gallagher, the Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education stated in a letter, “You have always been an outstanding teacher in the community.”  “Thanks for helping all the children in Forest Hills School for so many years.”  Several generations of students are the inheritors of her love and teaching.  She believed in giving individual attention to each student.  Joyce believed in creating quality work to engage her students in the process of learning.  Former Forest Hills principal Lowell LaGarde remembered that Joyce set standards of caring and excellence.  He stated, “She always went the extra mile to help her children.”  He wrote in a classroom observation, “I wish I had had a first grade teacher when I was in school, who could have made the work as interesting.”  “Joyce has the power to hold their interest.”
Impact Grant Program
This program funds large scale project ideas that make the greatest impact for a grade level, school, or the entire district for up to $5,000. This year's application period is January 6, 2025 - February 7, 2025.
2023-2024 Classroom Grant Recipients
  • Self-Regulation Practices for Students, Kristal Graybiel, Anderson High School - $1000.00
  • Civic Leadership Academies, INROTC, David Scaramazzo, Anderson High School - $1,000.00
  • Getting Comfortable with Reading, Laura Raper, Highland Middle School - $610.00
  • Exploring Indiana, One Trip at a Time, Donna Allen, Edgewood Elementary - $1000.00
  • Classroom Library and Classroom Book Set, Ryan Davis, Edgewood Elementary - $950.00
  • Cooking up Confidence, Amanda Lindorf, Erskine Elementary  - $1,000.00
  • Radically Rad Reading Retreat Room, Kate Smith, Anderson Elementary - $480.00
  • Bowling Abatement, Linda Williams-Boyd, Anderson Elementary - $1,000.00
  • Curtain Up, Building Character through Theatre Arts, Mean Girls, Jr, Karen Sipes, Highland Middle School - $1000.00
  • Building STEAM with Lego BricQ Motion Kits, Lisa Fights, Valley Grove Elementary (Emerson) - $1,000.00
  • Once Upon a Fairy and Folk Tale STEM Kits, Stacey Eddinger, 10th Street (Emerson) -$710.66
  • CPR and Classroom Management, Angie Bingaman, Highland Middle School - $521.00
  • DIY Powered Car, Brandon Bailey, Highland Middle School (Hamer) - $845.00
  • Making Connections with Read Aloud Book Companions, Shalimar Foster, Edgewood Elementary - $610.00
  • Wiggle, Giggle, Wobble, and Learn, Whitney Rowan, Anderson Elementary - $1,000.00
  • Reading is Power! Dana Dickerson and Erica Gephardt, Anderson Elementary, (McVicker) - $1,000.00
  • We Want Published! 9th Grade Survivor Stories, Todd Callen, Anderson High School - $1000.00
  • Fitness Fanatics, Adam Roberson, Highland Middle School - $943.00
  • Zoos: Are they a “No” or “Go”? Josie Hopkins, Highland Middle School - $1,000.00
  • Passionate Pantry (Weekend Food Drive, Human Services) Colleen Millen, D26 - $900.00
  • Exploring Life Cycles, Maddison Granger, Erskine Elementary - $350.00
  • Self-Guided and Authentic Learning through Community Partnerships, Andrea Meadows, Eastside High Ability, - $755.00
  • AHS Choirs hosts the A-Town Showdown! Alan Alder, Anderson High School, - $1,000.00
  • Cooking in the Classroom, A. Yvonne Sawyer, Anderson Intermediate School, - $1,000.00
2024 Impact Grant Recipients
  • Closing the Food Insecurity Gap, Missy Morris and Melissa Lee, Anderson High School - $1,500
  • Building Brilliant Minds One Lego Brick at a Time a STEM based project!, Jordan Hervey, Valley Grove Elementary School - $4,846.00
  • PBIS: Fostering a Positive Learning Environment for All, Jay Bendes, Highland Middle School - $4,000.00

2022-2023 Classroom Grant Recipients

  • Linda Williams-Boyd, AEF, Bowling Abatement - $1,000.00
  • Kate Smith, AES, Spectacular Science Study Sessions - $250.85
  • Angie Bingaman, HMS, CPR and Class Management -  $464.00
  • Brandon Bailey, HMS, Residential Electricity and Safety - $1,000.00
  • Jennifer Rusher, HMS, From Seek to Seedfolk, A Garden Experience -$615.40
  • Dana Dickerson/Erica Gepardt, AES, Animal Fun, (Hamer), $1,000
  • Erica Gepardt/Dana Dickerson, AES, Spreading the Love of Reading (McVicker), $1,000.00
  • Cierra Goodling, AES, You can play Uke!  -$1,000.00
  • Char Lappin, AIS, Functional Skills and Sensory Materials, $1,000.00
  • Karen Sipes, HMS, Curtain Up, Building Character through Theatre Arts,$1,000.00
  • Heather Smith/Heather Bigoss, Valley Grove, Help us Glow, $992.07
2023 Impact Grant Recipients
  • Jay Bendes, Highland Middle School, Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Rewards and Recognition for Students and Staff In Order to Create a Positive Learning and Working Environment for All, $3,000.00
  • Alexandra Dellinger and Erica Edgar, Anderson Intermediate School (2022 Impact recipient), Fifth and Sixth Grade Art Students  Connecting With Artistic Careers, $3,200.00
  • Dana Dickerson and Erica Gephardt, Anderson Elementary, Encouraging Reading Engagement through Shared Experiences, $5,000.00
  • Gretchen Stapleton and Kelly Heath, Edgewood, Kinder GARDEN, Outdoor Classroom at Edgewood, $4,000.00
AEF fully-funded ALL applications for this teacher grant program cycle.  
Here are their awarded projects: 
  • Hamer Science Project: "From Seed to Garden", Adam Roberson, HMS, $571.30
  • "Showcasing Student Success", Ryan Kardash, AHS, $1000.00
  • "Young Learners Growing into Independent Writers", Leigh Ann Stephenson, Anderson Elementary, $931.84
  • "Reward and Conquer", Laura Raper and Adam Roberson, HMS, $488.00
  • "A Step in the Right Direction", Laura Raper, HMS, $240.00
  • "McVicker Reading "Rhythm, Rhyme, and Reading", Leigh Anne Stephenson/Carrie Barnett, $333.53
  • "2(Infinity and Beyond), Christy Jones, COMPASS, $1,000.00
  • "Math Munching Mathematicians", Debra King, Anderson Elementary, $525.00
  • "Blue Skies and Less Anxiety", Paul Partezana, AHS, $272.92
  • "One Kid, Two Kid, Each Kid, Teach Kid", Holly Gingrich, Anderson Career Campus, $700.00
  • "RELATE", Sean White, Anderson Elementary School, $500.00
  • "Strengthening Reading Skills of Choral Readers",AHS, Kendra Kirby, $803.00
  • "Curtain Up: Building Character through Theatre Arts", Karen Sipes, HMS, $1,000.00
  • Emerson Reading "Books not Chromebooks", Dana Dickerson, Anderson Elementary, $1,000.00
  • "Sensory Soothing Supplies", Kate Smith, Tenth Street Elementary, $282.75
  • "Social Emotional Learning: The Need is Now", Carrie Barnett, Anderson Elementary, $650.00
  • "Page Turners", Elizabeth Perry, Anderson Elementary, $1,000.00
  • "Fiber Arts Quilting and More III", Stacia Partezana, AHS, $406.00
  • "Lego Robotics", Brandon Bailey, Project Lead the Way-HMS, $500.00
  • "Student CPR", Angie Bingaman, $357.90
  • What a wonderful morning spent with our ACS educators, principals, and students! 
Lisa McVicker Reading Grant 
  • Early Chapter Reading Books - Heather Smith, Valley Grove Elementary
Joyce Emerson Elementary Grant
  • Get Your Silly On! - Dana Dickerson, Anderson Elementary
Stephen Hamer Science Grant
  • Saving More than Energy: 75 Stops - Dave Perrel, Anderson High School
Hiles Music Grant 
  • Piano Exploration Lab - Amanda Lindorf, Erskine Elementary
Detour Dream Grant
  • Dental Tech Program - Wendy Bailey, D-26
General Grant Recipients
  • Sarah Ralston at AIS: “Penny Whistle Club.”
  • Misty Adams at D-26: “Got Food? It Does a Brain Good!”
  • Linda Boyd-Williams at Anderson Elementary: “Bowling Abatement.”
  • Beth French & Kristi Proctor at AIS: “Food Chains and Webs.”
  • Amanda Lindorf at Erskine Elementary: “Piano Exploration Lab.”
  • Jennifer Myrick at Edgewood Elementary: “STEM for Them.”
  • Susan Sawyer at Anderson Elementary: “All Are Welcome Here.”
  • Brandon Bailey & Grant Garber at HMS: “Prototyping with Pens.”
  • Adam Roberson at HMS: “Make Your Voice Heard.”
  • Debra King at Anderson Elementary: “Phonemic Awareness & Flexible Seating Reading Classroom.”
  • Stacia Partezana at AHS: “Clay Extruding.”
  • Dana Dickerson & Erica Gephardt at Anderson Elementary: “Book Access for All & Get Your Silly On!”
  • Heather Hodson at Anderson Elementary: “Habla Usted Ingles?”
  • Julie Chelli at D-26: “College & Career Fair.”
  • Victoria Replogle at Erskine Elementary: “Flexible Seating.”
  • Wendy Bailey at D-26: “Make the World a Better Place.”
  • Kristal McCorkle at COMPASS: “Little Free Library.”
  • Kelly Syverson at COMPASS: “Fidget Friends.”
  • Kyle Douglas at COMPASS: “Day of Gratitude.”
  • Chuck Graybiel at COMPASS: “Rap Battle.”
  • Laura Raper at HMS: “Cracking the DNA Code.”
  • Jenny Hunt & Sally Miller at HMS: “The IXL Challenge.”
  • Kirsten Lindhurst at AHS: “Looking Great in the Spotlight.”
  • Tammy Blalock at Eastside Elementary: “Free Little Library & Interesting Insects.”
  • Leighanne Stephenson at Anderson Elementary: “Creating a Cultural Classroom.”
  • Carrie Barnett at Anderson Elementary: “Bringing Play Back to Kindergarten & Literacy at its Funniest!”
  • Sonia Caldwell at Anderson Elementary: “Literacy Learning: A Coaching Model.”
  • Deon Worrel at Edgewood Elementary: “STEAMing into the Future with Robotics.”
  • Colleen Murphey-Prange at Edgewood Elementary: “Building Up the Engineers of Tomorrow with Robotics.”
  • Emily Caldwell at AHS: “Classroom Capitalism”
  • Dave Perrel & Josh Dillard at AHS: “Saving More Than Energy: 75 Steps to Turn Off a Light & VEX Robotics: Tower Takeover.”
  • Natalie Britton at Valley Grove Elementary: “Beginning a Garden and Habitat.”
  • Carla Lee at Tenth Street Elementary: “Kinder-STEM.”
  • Carol Phillips at Valley Grove Elementary: “Listening to Discover Literature.”
  • Richard Ziuchkovski at AHS: “Clemson Calculus Challenge.”
  • Jodi Thompson at Valley Grove Elementary: “Scholastic News and Science Magazines.”
  • Heather Smith at Valley Grove Elementary: “Early Chapter Reading Books.”
  • Jessica Wirsch at Southview Pre-School: “Hazel: Love on a Leash.”
  • Jessica Swisher at Erskine Elementary: “Kinders Need to Wiggle & Explore.”
Lisa McVicker Reading Grant
  • Lexiled Library -Tammy Blalock, Edgewood Elementary
Joyce Emerson Elementary Grant
  • Animals in Nonfiction Text - Tammy Blalock, Eastside Elementary School
Stephen Hamer Science Grant
  • BREAKFAST AT RUBE’S - Dave Perrel, Anderson High School
Hiles Music Grant **New in 2017**
  • Drumming Up Success - Amanda Lindorf, Erskine Elementary School
General Grant Recipients
  • Awareness of Disabilities! - Carol Analco, Anderson High School
  • Bringing Genetics to Life - Leah Perry, Anderson High School
  • Clemson Calculus Challenge-Richard Zuichkovski, Anderson High School
  • College and Career Fair - Betsy Dugan/Julie Chelli, D-26 College & Career Center
  • CPR for Life -Craig Stephenson, D-26 College & Career Center
  • Curtain Up! Shrek Jr. - Karen Sipes/Brandon Bailey, Highland Middle School
  • Diversity In Literature - Paul Partenzana, Anderson High School
  • Drumming Away for a Better Day - Staci Miller, Edgewood Elementary
  • Engaging & Empowering Leveled Chapter Book Sets - Brett Yoder, Eastside Elementary
  • Enhancing the T in STEAM for Makerspace - Julie Morse, COMPASS
  • Exploring Machines with K’nex - Grant Garber, Highland Middle School
  • Food Chains and Webs - Beth French/Kristi Proctor, Valley Grove Elementary
  • Greenhouse Equipment - Andy McCammon, D-26 College & Career Center
  • Help Makey Makey Science Fun - Heather Bigoss, Eastside Elementary
  • In Touch with Tomorrow - Kelly Heath, Edgewood Elementary
  • LEGO Learning and STEAM - Suzanne Wheeler, COMPASS
  • Let’s Get Dramatic 2018 -Karen Sipes/Brandon Bailey, Highland Middle School
  • Literacy Through Music - Judy Kimmer, Tenth St. Elementary
  • Nonfiction Resources for Research Papers - Jennifer Myrick/Vicki Buck, Edgewood Elementary
  • Programming Flying Drones - Ben Hook, Highland Middle School
  • Seeing Art in 3D - Kim Anderson, Anderson Elementary
  • Something Fishy About Growing Plants - Micah Dean, Highland Middle School
  • STEAM Cart - Treva Bostic, Valley Grove Elementary
  • Strengthen Our Program & Strengthen Our Community - Wendy Bailey, D26 College & Career Center
  • Tower Gardens: from STEAM to STEAMED - Skipper/Knost/Perry, Anderson High School 
Lisa McVicker Reading Grant
  • Loving Literacy Footprints - Jeanette McMahon, Erskine Elementary
Joyce Emerson Elementary Grant
  • LEGO My Math - Carol Phillips, Valley Grove Elementary
Stephen Hamer Science Grant
  • Rolling with Robotics/SPHERO - Brandon Bailey, Highland Middle School
General Grant Recipients
  • Always Choose Kind - Mary Ann Wildman, Highland Middle School
  • Bowling Abatement - Linda Williams-Boyd, Anderson Elementary
  • Classroom Amplification System - Mary Weeks, Valley Grove Elementary
  • Clemson Calculus Challenge - Richard Ziuchkovski, Anderson High School
  • Creating Readers in 180 Days! - Kirsten Gray, Edgewood Elementary
  • Critical Thinking Through Creative Outlet - Julie Morse, COMPASS
  • Curtain Up! Building Character Through Theatre Arts - Karen Sipes & Brandon Bailey, Highland Middle School
  • I CAN - Carol Analco, Anderson High School
  • Playwrights, Producers & Players: Let’s Get Dramatic - Karen Sipes & Brandon Bailey, Highland Middle School
  • Shakespeare in the Spring - Tiffany Jackson, Anderson High School
  • STEM Mayhem! - Laura Raper, Highland Middle School
  • Therapy Dog - Kristal McCorkle, COMPASS
  • Wobble and Learn - Kim Weis, Erskine Elementary